Learn about Gradle (Andorid tutorial) - SoftLabio

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Learn about Gradle (Andorid tutorial)

Learn about Gradle:
In this series lecture I will examining what this is all about, and all other related questions.

What is Gradle?
Gradle is a building software, it is also known as build automation software. There are many different build systems available to develop software. For instance make for C/C++, rake for Ruby, Ant and Maven for Java and many more. A build system does not compile, link, package, etc. applications directly, but instead directs separate compilers, linkers, and packagers to do that work. Gradle uses a domain-specifc language (DSL) built on top of Groovy to accomplish these tasks.

What is Groovy?
Groovy is programing language. Groovy is designed to run on top of the Java VM. Like some other JRuby and Jython, are implementations of other common programming languages (Ruby and Python, respectively). Groovy is an interpreted language, like Ruby and unlike Java. Groovy scripts are run by executing a groovy command, passing it the script to run. The Groovy runtime, though, is a Java JAR and requires a JVM in order to operate. Groovy creating a domain-specific language (or DSL).

Groovy supports:
  • Defining classes with the class keyword
  • Creating subclasses using extends
  • Importing classes from external JARs using import
  • Defining method bodies using braces ({and})
  • Objects are created via the new operator
Gradle, is a Groovy DSL for doing software builds Groovy more likely similar to Java language. Gradle specific capabilities appear to be first-class language constructs, generally indistinguishable from capabilities intrinsic to Groovy. Yet, the Groovy DSL is largely declarative, like an XML file.

Learn more about Gradle:

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