Why Gradle based Android Studio? (Android Tutorial) - SoftLabio

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Why Gradle based Android Studio? (Android Tutorial)

Why Google choose Gradle based Android Studio?
When an app is build, it was mainly done using Eclipse and Ant building system. Eclipse was the IDE, on the other side Ant was the command-line tool. Eclipse was a complete package and does not use Ant for building Android projects, but rather has its own build system. After Google release of Android Studio is based on the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. It uses the new Gradle-based build system as its native approach for building Android projects. While the IntelliJ IDEA IDE that serves as Android Studio’s core also has its own build system (much like Eclipse has one), IDEA is more amenable to replaceable build systems. Over time, this will allow Google to focus on a single build system (Gradle) for all supported scenarios, rather than having to deal with a collection of independent build systems. Now Google only focues on Android Studio and Gradle based system. For this reason it becomes familiar with the IDE basics, such as navigation, code completion, and keyboard shortcuts, interface, easy tools access and other owesome facilities.  Android Studio does not use workspaces, so separate projects open in separate Android Studio windows. It means every project keep separate from each other.  Android Studio organizes code into projects, which contain everything that defines your Android app, from app source code to build configurations and test code. Each project contains one or more modules, which allow you to divide your project into discrete units of functionality. Modules can be independently built, tested, and debugged. Althoudh Android Studio, Eclipse tools successfully building a million-plus apps. You may use this tools and it still work today.

Now we look some factors for shifting:
  • Maintaining two separate build systems (Ant and Eclipse’s native approach) was becoming time consuming. Hence, Google maintain a single build system, based upon Gradle, for IDE and command-line scenarios. 
  • Ant scripts to do everything that Google needed for builds was getting a bit creaky. 
  • Ant has no frst-class support for “external libraries” (e.g., libraries) and dependency management of those libraries. Gradle offers much better support in this area than do Eclipse or Ant, and will help make it easier for developers to reliably consume libraries from a variety of authors. 
  • Gradle is designed to be integrated into IDEs as a library, much more than Ant is.

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